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Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Weapons: Foebane Bastard Sword +3 / +5 (on-hit cumulative no-save Life Leach: Larloch's Minor Drain)

Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Weapons: Foebane Bastard Sword +3 / +5

On-hit Cumulative No-save Life Leach

Larloch's Minor Drain

Best Weapons [link]

• Foebane (SW1H62 [+3], SW1H63 [+5], bastard sword, BG2: ToB, craft): THAC0 +5, 2d4 +5 slashing (+6 vs. undead, shapeshifters, extra-planar), Speed Factor: 3, All-Saves +1, on-hit cumulative no-save Larloch's Minor Drain (stacks to increase HP pool above limit).
The Archmage Demron created this powerful blade for Captain Fflar of Myth Drannor.  When the elven city fell, the sword was lost beneath the rubble of the once great metropolis.
Flar's Scabbard (COMPON03). This scabbard is the companion to Fflar's enchanted blade Foebane, and like the sword was rumored to have been lost when Myth Drannor fell.
→ Reunited with Fflar's Scabbard, Foebane is an even greater weapon than the legends claimed.

◦ Larloch's Minor Drain (Necromancy, SCRL84): Single-target, quick-fire direct damage spell that inflicts a flat 4 magic dmg on the victim and transfers that dmg -- cumulatively -- to the caster as hitpoints. The leaching may exceed the caster's total HPs, but the bonus is lost after 10 rounds. Does not bypass MR but is no-save.

I've always been attracted to Foebane for its on-hit life-leaching Larloch. Assuming high ApR and that we keep on hitting (easy with THAC0 Lords such as Kensai), the life-leach boosts our HP pool far beyond its natural limit, almost to the point of immortality against physical-based damage dealing. Moreover, we can field Foebane on the first level of Watcher's Keep (as early as Chapter 2), grab Fflar's Scabbard en route to Gromnir and have the upgraded version for the entirety of Throne.

◦ Dual-wield with Belm off-hand at 10 ApR from Improved Haste or GWW HLA. There are many options.

Note that undead as well as epic demons such as Demogorgon and the Ravager cannot be life-leached.

Best Weapons [link] BG1 Weapons [link] BG2 Weapons [link] Max dmg [link] THAC0 Lords [link] AC Lords [link]


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